Taking time to reflect and reset. What does that mean? How do I accomplish that? How do I add this to my routine?

Taking part in a reflection moment on a regular basis can be a wonderful tool to add to your wellness toolbox. The purposeful action of engaging in reflection can be accomplished in as little as five minutes or you can block off up to thirty minutes if your schedule allows. You can utilize pen, paper, record video or make an audio recording. It is also an equally meaningful experience to sit quietly with yourself and your mind as your only tool. There are no required supplies except yourself. Please do what is comfortable for yourself. It may also change and shift with your current needs. This can also be a component of your process of reflection.

A sample template you can start with and build upon, centers around creating a time limited space which is sacred and focused. The act or process of reflection is not intended to be a duel with your critic or a race to trying to swim out of an eddy created by past trauma(s). This act of reflection is more like a recap of the last episode prior to viewing the most recent/present episode or moment. It is a temperature reading of where you are at. It is a honest appraisal of what you need to assist you in continuing to heal, live fully, honor yourself, create joy, seek a deeper level of happiness. The space it creates is one of hope and healing.

There is a crucial component. The Reset. Can the space, journey of reflection and break give you a feeling of resting, rebooting and being ready to move forward?

It’s ok to do it scared. It’s ok to have reservations. It doesn’t need to look pretty. It’s a commitment to give yourself the space to reflect, reset and move through. To keep on keepin’ on! To rise like that Phoenix! To be able to rewrite our story. Re-author it.

It takes time. It is a process. What worked? Repeat. What didn’t? Tweak it. Change it. Shape it.

We are not on this journey alone. You are worth the time spent on your healing. You are deserving and capable of support and connection .